✨ Projects

Insights, Innovations, and Expertise in Software Development

Dive into detailed case studies of my work, from migrating complex applications to developing cutting-edge features.

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Fluent UI

As a contributor to Microsoft Fluent UI, I fixed critical bugs. I standardized the border radius of small buttons to 4px to match the UX specs. I also resolved visual issues with DataGrid headers on Safari. This improved cross-browser compatibility a

react.jsstyled componentsstorybook

The Screen Recorder for Developers

At DashCam.io, I improved instant replay by adding pause, managing space, integrating cloud previews, and creating a Jira plugin. I also boosted performance, fixed CPU issues, and used Electron and Vue 3, all in a remote, asynchronous setup.

electron.jsvue.jsforge ui

End-to-End Testing and Quality Assurance

At Sermask Inc, I created tests for routes, examined controllers, and used factories. Additionally, I mocked services like Zendesk and Stripe to ensure our application's features were robustly tested.
